







East Midlands Geotechnical Group (ICE)

East Midlands Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Northern Ireland Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Northern Ireland Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Scottish Ground Engineering Group (ICE)

Scottish Ground Engineering Group (ICE)

North West Geotechnical Group (ICE)

North West Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Midlands Geotechnical Society

Midlands Geotechnical Society

Northern Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Northern Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Yorkshire Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Yorkshire Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Wales Ground Engineering Group (ICE)

Wales Ground Engineering Group (ICE)

South Western Group

South Western Group

South Eastern Group

South Eastern Group

London BGA


The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal
association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom.

Past Regional Events Introduction

This page lists the upcoming meetings and conferences related to the regional events. For regional events click on the relevant area of the map.

For regional events click on the relevant area of the map.

Yorkshire Geotechnical Group (ICE)

Concept design: the repurposing of cigarette packets

The lecture by Ian Webber of Coffey Geotechnics Limited considers the applicability of rules of thumb and presents design methods that euphemistically fit onto the back of envelopes or cigarette packages. Despite its title, the lecture relies heavily on work done by Rankine and Glossop lecturers.

  • 06.02.2024
  • 18:30 - 20:00
  • University of Leeds, School of Engineering, Theatre A, Leeds, LS2 9JT
  • Event Type: Yorkshire Geotechnical Group (ICE)

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