The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is the principal
association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom.

BGA News

The latest news from the BGA.

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Latest News

May Newsletter (30 April 14)

  • 07.04.2014

Next Early Career Group Meeting – TONIGHT!
MGS 60th Anniversary Dinner on 8th May – deadline for booking tickets TODAY!
Abstract submission for CIM 2015 (Montreal, Canada) – 1st May 2014
CIRIA C580 Update – survey completion deadline – 2nd May 2014
BGA Evening Meeting – effect of tunnelling on historical buildings – 14th May 2014
ISRM Congress (10-13 May 2015: Montreal, Canada) – abstract deadline extended to 1st June 2014
BGA Annual Conference and AGM – 12th June 2014
YGES – Manchester: deadline for registration with abstracts: 20th June 2014
Abstract submission for 6th IS-TC 101: Deformation Characteristics of Soils – 30th June 2014

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British Drilling Association Safety Seminar

  • 27.03.2014

Drilling safety seminar to be hosted by the British Drilling Association in Manchester on April 9th.

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45th Rankine Lecturer Announced

  • 27.03.2014

After an excellent 44th Rankine Lecture delivered by Prof Guy Houlsby of Oxford University, the BGA announced that the 45th Rankine Lecturer will be Suzanne Lacasse of the Norweigen Geotechnical Institute.

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Call for Nominations for BGA Executive Committee

  • 27.03.2014

The BGA relies on the work of volunteers and the committee needs the help of more BGA members. Each year three members are elected to serve on the executive committee for three years and the search is on for new candidates. If you fit the description of “enthusiastic people who are keen to contribute toward our vibrant association” then you could be just what we need. Nominations are required by 7 April for election at the AGM in June 2014. Please use the Nomination Form or get in touch via

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RAIB Report into Penetration of a Tunnel by Piling Rig Published

  • 27.03.2014

The Rail Accident Investigation Brach report on Penetration and obstruction of a tunnel between Old Street and Essex Road stations, London has been released. It contains valuable lessons for geotechnical specialists which are summarised in this letter to the BGA. Please take the time to read this and pass the knowledge on to your colleagues.

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Fleming Award Finalists Announced

  • 07.10.2013

This year’s Fleming Award evening will be held on the 11th December 2013 at the Institution of Civil Engineers from 6pm. The competition is held annually to commemorate the life and work of Dr Ken Fleming and to recognise excellence in the practical application of geotechnics in a project or a part of a project. This year both the number and standard of entries received was very high and after much deliberation the shortlisting committee has selected the following finalists:

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Edinburgh 2015 - Open for Abstracts

  • 07.10.2013

Invitation from the Chair of the Conference Organising Committee

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Call for Papers

  • 07.10.2013

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Engineer have recently issued a call for papers for their forthcoming themed issue on Construction Processes and Installation Effects. Abstracts are requested by 22nd November 2013. For full details about the call please click here.

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