The latest news from the BGA.
For regional events click on the relevant area of the map.
Recording of 2021 Geotechnique Lecture Now available on line
Ground Engineering’s December 2021 issue is available online. Online access to Ground Engineering (GE) is included in BGA subscriptions.
The BGA is pleased to announce the shortlisted entries for the 2021 Fleming Award. The finalists will present at the Fleming Award event on 7 December 2021, when a judging panel will select the winner.
Call for abstracts for the 11th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in Geomechanics (ISFMG). Deadline 17 January 2022
The Society for Underwater Technology is running a course on Offshore Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering (comprising four half days) between 16 and 25 November 2021.
The BGA is pleased to invite submissions for the inaugural Case Histories Award. The objective of the award is to encourage and recognise the importance of exchange of exemplary geotechnical knowledge and experience of the performance of constructed works for the benefit of the geotechnical profession
ISSMGE News & Information Circular - October 2021
The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) is pleased to invite Young Geotechnical Professionals to submit posters for the 53rd Cooling Prize Competition on any topic dealing with the engineering behaviour of the ground
Ground Engineering’s November 2021 issue is available online. Online access to Ground Engineering (GE) is included in BGA subscriptions.