The Early Career Group meeting
Tuesday 17th November 2015 at 18:30
IS‐Buenos Aires 2015 is prepared under the success of previous symposia: IS‐Hokkaido 1994, IS‐Torino 1999, IS‐Lyon 2003, IS‐Atlanta 2008, and IS‐Seoul 2011. The conference will take place in parallel with the XV Panamerican conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. This symposium focuses on understanding of the deformation properties of geomaterials before failure, and especially on pointing out the small strain shear modulus as a fundamental characteristic of geomaterials.
This symposium aims to bring together the complementary expertise of world leading groups carrying out research on the
engineering assessment, prevention and mitigation of geohazards. To mitigate against these disasters we need for instance to achieve better models for a more rational risk assessment of areas prone to landslides, investigate the geomechanical conditions leading to the onset of landslides (e.g. earthquakes), model debris flows and mudflows to estimate run-out distances and destructive power of the landslide materials, improve our modeling capabilities of fluid – ground interaction. Prevention, preparedness and mitigation of geohazards rely on sound geo-engineering which requires competences in geomechanics, numerical modelling, constitutive models for soils, hazard zonation and risk assessment.
I am delighted to invite you to join us at the 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (6ICEGE) in Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-4 November 2015. Following the highly successful conferences in Tokyo 1995, Lisbon 1999, Berkeley 2004, Thessaloniki 2007 and Santiago 2011, this will be the sixth in the series of specialized conferences organized under the auspices of The Technical Committee on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems (TC203) of ISSMGE.