The latest news from the BGA.
For regional events click on the relevant area of the map.
Registration is now open for Piling 2020. The Conference will be held as an on-line event over 4 days from 23rd to 26th March.
Ground Engineering’s January/February issue is available online
Deadline for Cooling Prize Competition entries extended to 31 January 2021
The 60th Rankine Lecture has been postponed until September or October 2021 (date to be confirmed). The Lecture will be delivered by Professor Stephan Jefferis of Environmental Geotechnics Limited on The Unusual and the Unexpected in Geotechnical Engineering: Observation – Analogy – Experiment
Call for nominations for the ISRM Technological Invention Award
Piling 2020 Conference confirmed as an on-line event in March 2021
21 Moorfields - Piling through Moorgate Station, London wins the 2020 Fleming Award
The British Geotechnical Association (BGA) invites submissions for the 2020 MSc/MEng Prize.
The BGA is calling for submissions for the BGA Medal, which is awarded annually to a paper written by a BGA member (or members) for “meritorious contributions to geotechnical science or practice”