www.britishgeotech.org.uk." />
Flyers, booking arrangements and full details of all BGA events are available on the BGA website at www.britishgeotech.org.uk.
Attending BGA Events in person: Please let us know if your commitments prevent you from attending an event for which you have previously registered so that a) someone else may do so and b) we have a full theatre.
Networking after BGA Lectures: members tell us they value mixing with other industry professionals when attending lectures in person.
The BGA is arranging for the ICE Bar to be open after Lectures to enable members to network with fellow participants – please support this initiative and make the most of the facilities available.
Recordings of past events on ICE website: for the first three months access is restricted to ICE and Society members who will need their membership number to do so.
International events are not generally listed in this newsletter - members are directed to http://britishgeotech.org/events/conferences/ or BGA social media (Linked In, Twitter and Facebook) for full details.
Headlines and Deadlines
Recording Available | 15 February 2017 | Joint BGA Lecture with EGGS | Vix Edmonds & Matthew Free spoke about Wylfa Power Station – rock mass classification and engineering seismology. A recording is available at https://www.ice.org.uk/eventarchive/wylfa-power-station-rock-mass-classification |
Recording Available | 9 March 2017 | BGA evening event | Geotechnical Engineering in the coastal Environment: Case Studies from Central Felixstowe and Clacton-on-Sea presented by Peter Phipps and Lucy Wiggins of Mott MacDonald. View online at https://www.ice.org.uk/eventarchive/geotechnical-engineering-in-the-coastal-environmen. |
15 March 2017 | 57th Rankine Lecture | Prof Eduardo Alonso on Triggering and Motion of Landslides, Imperial College. A recording will be available in due course. | |
Winner announced | 21 March 2017 | 48th Cooling Prize Final | Hosted by the Northern Geotechnical Group at the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Neville Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne NE1 1SE. Tough competition won by Francesc Mirada of Arup – see https://www.ice.org.uk/news/cooling-prize-2017-winner-francesc-mirada |
5 April 2017
BGA Evening Meeting | ICE Westminster - Nick O’Riordan will speak on “New Mexico City International Airport: Some challenges of building on virgin Lake Texcoco clays”. Recording available shortly. |
NEW | 26th April 2017 18:30 hours | SECED Lecture | ICE "Seismic Hazard Analysis – Capturing Uncertainty in the Post-Truth Era" by William Lettis, selected as the Joyner Lecturer for 2017 |
Abstracts invited | 30 April 2017 | Engineering in Chalk 2018 | 17-18 September 2018 at Imperial College: submit your abstract via https://www.chalk2018.org/abstract-submission; further information available at http://www.chalk2018.org. |
NEW | 3-4 May 2017 | Decarbonised Energy & Water Resilience Conference | ICE: www.ice-energyandwater.com |
Registration open | 17 May 2017
1800 hours |
BGA Evening Meeting | ICE Westminster – Mike Winter will speak on “Understanding Landslide Impacts in Scotland”; book online at https://www.ice.org.uk/events/understanding-landslide-impacts-in-scotland |
NEW! | 18 May 2017
1800 hours |
Joint BGA/BTS Evening Meeting | ICE Westminster - Deoxygenated gas risk in London by Tim Newman, Geotechnical Engineer, Tideway; advance booking not required. |
NEW! | 24th May 2017
1800 hours |
16th Mallet-Milne Lecture | ICE Westminster: Dealing with Earthquakes" by Edmund Booth. The biennial Mallet-Mlne lecture is organised by SECED in memory of the two founding fathers of Engineering Seismology: Robert Mallet and John Milne. |
Abstract deadline | 26 May 2017 | Ground Related Risk to Transportation Infrastructure | Geological Society Conference: 26-27 October 2017; see http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/GeoRiskTransport17 for full details |
NEW | 21 June 2017 | BGA AGM and Annual Conference | ICE Westminster: full day of lectures and presentations, exhibitions and networking opportunities; free to all but registration required – details available shortly. |
5-7 September 2017 | ICE Coasts, Marine Structures & Breakwaters Conference 2017 | Liverpool: https://www.ice.org.uk/events/call-for-papers-breakwaters | |
6-7 September 2017 | 2nd Conf: Coupled phenomena in environmental geotechnics | Leeds: call for papers – deadline 30 November 2016 – see https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/5Rg0BFpvnesd?domain=tinyurl.com. | |
Registration now open
12-14 Sept 2017 | SUT 8th Int’l Conf | Offshore Site Investigation & Geotechnics Committee: “Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments” – London; further details at http://www.sut.org/event/osig2017/ and sponsorship opportunities now available; registration at http://www.sutconnects.com |
26-27 October 2017 | Ground Related Risk to Transportation Infrastructure | Geological Society Conference: abstracts due 26 May 2017; see http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/GeoRiskTransport17 for full details |
NEW! Newsletter No 2 now available | 17-18 September 2018 | Engineering in Chalk 2018 | BGA 2-day conference at Imperial College, London in association with the Engineering Group of the Geological Society; Rory Mortimer announced as a keynote speaker – further details at http://www.chalk2018.org; 2nd Newsletter now available at https://www.chalk2018.org/news/2017/04/newsletter-no-2 |
New | New Ground Forum website now live. | Updated site includes changes to the home page and improved structure of the content. The list of Master Courses available in the UK have been uploaded to the website under the Training and Careers tab. any articles, reports or information of benefit other Ground Forum Members welcome. www.ground-forum.org.uk | |
Brexit Digest | Brexit digest – a summary of articles from the media. Sign up for e-newsletter at http://cic.us6.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=6b20ea5b6c&id=f4c2b1fdc6 |
application dates for 2017 | Notification dates | ||
25 April 2017 | 4 July 2017 | The UK Register of Ground Engineering Professionals (UK RoGEP) now has over 400 registrants | |
25 July 2017 | 3 October 2017 | Apply to join the UK RoGEP if you are chartered with ICE; the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3); or the Geological Society London (GSL). | |
24 October 2017 | 10 January 2018 | Visit ice.org.uk/rogep for further details or contact registers@ice.org.uk |
ICE | ICE Informs | February: Summary of ICE activities influencing and informing government and other authorities of the engineering perspective on National Needs Assessment, Metro Mayoral Elections in May, and the State of the Nation Report on Digital Transformation. contact alex.green-wilkes@ice.org.uk or Gloria.liu@ice.org.uk for further information. | |
papers invited | The Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS) | JGS’ official journal - Soils and Foundations (S&F) | S&F launched the 'Geo-disaster Report' in October of 2015. The geo-disasters caused by the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake and the 2015 heavy rain in Japan have been reported as open access in S&F, and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake-induced geo-disaster in Japan will be reported soon.
Accepted articles freely available after a 12-month embargo period. Only subscribers can access the full text of all articles immediately after they are published in ScienceDirect. Online subscription fee is 8,000 JPY (~71 USD)/year. Submit your paper to S&F, and subscribe to the recently published volume in ScienceDirect (https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/w6YOBizeLvcn?domain=sciencedirect.com). |
Extended to 2017 | Special offer for BGA members | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | Access all content electronically from CGJ from 1996 to 2015 for just $50 US instead of $246 US. E-mail nrcresearchpress-csp@subscriptionoffice.com and type “CGJ_BGA personal subscription” in the subject field; you will need your BGA membership number. Full details on BGA website. |
NOTE: Important information for members | ISSMGE | News & Information Circular and
Latest bulletin |
See BGA website and http://www.issmge.org/publications/issmge-bulletin/vol-11-issue-1-february-2017: note items on:
Bi-monthly webinars | ISSMGE | Webinar series | appx every 2 months, usually towards the end of or beginning of the month http://www.issmge.org/en/resources/recorded-webinars. |
ISSMGE Technical Committees | Volunteers required | Please contact Neil Smith at neilsmith@appliedgeotechnical.co.uk if you are interested in serving on the new TC218 on Reinforced Fill Structures or TC217 on Land Reclamation. | |
abstract deadline | 15 March 2017 | GeoChina 2018 International Conference | Hangzhou, China: 23-25 July 2018; Full details at http://geochina2018.geoconf.org/ |
28-29 March 2017 | Conference on Maritime Energy:
Decommissioning of Offshore Geotechnical Structures: Hamburg; under the auspices of ISSMGE TC209 | |
4-7 April 2017 | EPFL doctoral school on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics | Lausanne, Switzerland: providing PhD students with the fundamentals of mechanical and hydraulic behavior of unsaturated soils and to introduce modern trends in experimental methods and constitutive modelling. Engineering applications involving unsaturated Soils will be also discussed. The school features a one-day guided tour of the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory. Full details at http://terreunsat.epfl.ch/ | |
4-6 April 2017 | 9th Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Constructions in Soft Ground | São Paulo, Brazil. Under the auspices of ISSMGE TC 204. Coinciding with 4th Brazilian Tunnelling Congress and Latin American Tunnelling Seminar. Full details at www.is-saopaulo.com.; abstracts due by 15th June but extension may be granted. | |
28-29 April 2017 | ICNACE’17 | 3rd International Conference on New Advances in Civil Engineering – Helsınkı - http://icnaceconference.com/ | |
Abstract Deadline | 1 May 2017 | CPT18: 4th Int’l Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing | Organised by TU Delft, the Netherlands, on 21-22 June 2018.. Further details can be found at: www.cpt18.org
NEW | 9-10 May 2017 | Prague Geotechnical Days 2017 | "Piles as Retaining Structures" and 25th PGL by Prof M. Randolph; full details at http://www.issmge.cz/akce.htm |
New – deadline extended | 10 May 2017 | ISSMGE's regional quadrennial conference | June 2018: XVI Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Skopje, R. Macedonia |
New – abstract deadline | 15 May 2017 | Int’l conf on Pile technologies & case histories | Bali: September 2017 – see www.pile2017.com. |
abstract deadline | 31 May 2017 | 16ECEE | 18-21 June 2018 - 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Thessaloniki, Greece. http://www.16ecee.org/submission/abstracts |
ISRM | 15 to 17 May 2017 | VIII International Research and Practice Conference | St Petersburg, Russia: Innovative Issues of Mining Enterprises Design: Geo-mechanical Support Of Planning, Design And Mining Operations. E-mail VANoskov87@yandex.ru for further information. |
New – abstract deadline | 24 May 2017 | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics 2018 (GEESD V) | 10-13 June 2018 - Austin, Texas: full details at www.geesd2018.org
4-6 June 2017 | Geo-Risk 2017
Denver, Colorado: ASCE /Geo-institute conference on “Geotechnical Risk from Theory to Practice”; full details at www.georiskconference.org | |
13-15 June 2017 | 4th Int’l Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring
Rome, Italy. Directed by John Dunnicliff, featuring sessions on “New Monitoring Trends” and “Case Histories and Lessons Learned”, with presentations given by practitioners and exhibitors; on 12 June six “Master Classes” will cover installation, data acquisition, data processing, tricks and tips from everyday experience on piezometers, inclinometers, extensometers, total stations, GNNS, terrestrial radar.
The course is intended for project managers and other decision-makers concerned with management of RISK during construction, geotechnical and structural engineers, end users, consultants, service providers, manufacturers and researchers. Further information at www.geotechnicalmonitoring.com |
registration now open | 21-22 June 2017 | EUROCK 2017 | Ostrava, Czech Republic – further details at www.eurock2017.cz shortly. |
New: Registration open | 25-28 June 2017 | 2017 US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium | San Francisco: full details at www.armasymposium.org |
9-12 July 2017 | Grouting 2017 | Honolulu, Hawaii; full details at https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/NDvNBt2ORkSx?domain=submissions.mira | |
15-17 July 2017 | GeoMEast 2017 Int’l Conf | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt http://www.geomeast2017.org/ | |
Next start: September 2017 | Graz University of Technology and the Mining University Leoben |
Master's Programme "NATM-Engineering"; see www.natm.at
Registration now open | 17-22 September 2017 | ICSMGE 2017 | Seoul, Korea: authors have been informed if their abstracts were approved by BGA and submitted to Seoul. Instructions for preparing full papers in accordance with prescribed template have been distributed. Registration at: https://www.icsmge2017.org/registration/registration_01.asp |
1-4 October 2017 | GeoOttawa 2017 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 12th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference. see http://www.geoottawa2017.ca/techthemes.php).. | |
18-21 October 2017 | IMMAT 2017 | Izmir, Turkey: 6th International Congress of Mining Machinery and Technologies – http://www.immat.org. | |
12-15 November 2017 | 2nd Pan Am Conf | Dallas: PanAm-UNSAT 2017: The Second Pan American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, |
NEW | 10-13 June 2018 | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics 2018 (GEESD V) | Austin, Texas: full details at www.geesd2018.org
18-21 June 2018 | 16ECEE | 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Thessaloniki, Greece. http://www.16ecee.org/submission/abstracts | |
June 2018 | ISSMGE's regional quadrennial conference | XVI Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Skopje, R. Macedonia | |
25-23 July 2018 | GeoChina 2018 International Conference | Hangzhou, China: Abstracts due 15 March 2017; Full details at http://geochina2018.geoconf.org/ | |
21-22 June 2018 | CPT18: 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing
In Delft, the Netherlands, on. The call for abstracts is open, with a deadline of 1 May 2017. Further details can be found at: www.cpt18.org
NEW! | 1-6 September 2019 | XVII ECSMGE 2019 | Reykjavik, Iceland: preliminary details at www.ecsmge-2019.com |