To be hosted by Geolabs in Watford. The session includes a tour of the laboratory facilities, presentations on soil and rock testing with discussion of the whys, pros and cons of geotechnical testing.
To be hosted by Geotechnical Observations, this session will discuss the various instruments and equipment that can be used to gather data before, during or after construction works.
This session will cover site investigation drilling techniques, in-situ testing and general constraints that need to be assessed when selecting the most appropriate ground investigation method for a site.
To be hosted by Groundsure, this session will run through the importance of completing a detailed desk based review of site conditions prior to undertaking works on site.
This workshop aims to provide useful insights in the use of Oasys XDisp and PDisp to carry out ground movement assessments (GMAs). Target audience is early career tunnelling engineers and geotechnical engineers.