BGA On-line event: The Use of InSAR for Ground Investigation and Monitoring presented by Dr Richard Ghail of Royal Holloway, University of London
This event has been postponed
BGA Evening Meeting - The Use of InSAR for Ground Investigation and Monitoring by Dr Richard Ghail
This event has been postponed.
The Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering Series is a platform for knowledge sharing between Academia and Industry, promoting rigorous discourse between young professionals in this field focusing on three main themes: Technical knowledge, Sustainability & Digital Transformation
This event has been postponed.
The Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering Series is a platform for knowledge sharing between Academia and Industry, promoting rigorous discourse between young professionals in this field focusing on three main themes: Technical knowledge, Sustainability & Digital Transformation
The BGA Early Career Group invite you to join us for drinks in Imperial College's h-bar following the 60th Rankine Lecture.