6th Feb 2024 18:30 hours
University of Leeds, School of Engineering, Theatre A, Leeds, LS2 9JT
This event is planned as an in-person event, and will also be webcast live - use the link to get access for on-line viewing
The use of high end numerical methods such as Finite Element, Finite Difference and Boundary Element analysis have become common place in many design offices. These methods are particularly useful for optimising and checking detailed designs. However, for the development and comparison of design solutions it is important to quickly develop concept designs without resorting to complex analysis.
This lecture concentrates on methods to quickly assess concept designs to allow comparative pricing. The use of design charts and simple analysis allows for the feasibility of design solutions to be determined.
The lecture considers the applicability of rules of thumb and presents design methods that euphemistically fit onto the back of envelopes or cigarette packages.
Despite its title, the lecture relies heavily on work done by Rankine and Glossop lecturers.
Ian Webber is a consultant and former director of Coffey Geotechnics Limited based in Harrogate with more than 40 years of experience of geotechnical design. Since setting up his own consultancy in 1997, he has specialised in geotechnical design for contractors on a wide range of challenging infrastructure projects both nationally and internationally. Ian has also acted as the geotechnical expert witness on numerous claims around the world including UK, Ireland, Hong Kong, Middle East, Kazakhstan and New Zealand.
Ian was a founder and former chairman of the Yorkshire Geotechnical Group more than 25 years ago as well as a committee member of the British Geotechnical Association. He has a collection of publications which cover a wide range of disciplines including earthworks, pile testing, soil nailing, value engineering and contracts.