8th Dec 2021 18:00 hours
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Speaker: Tony Maher, current PhD candidate at Imperial College working within the Geotechnics cluster
Time: 18:00 Wednesday 8th December 2021
Location: Online - link here
The UK Chalk aquifer is characterised as a principal aquifer by the Environment Agency, providing a significant amount of potable water in the UK. Spatially, it is considered significant and covers approximately 21,500 km2 of the UK. Research indicates that with climate change, there will be increased pressure on this system in terms of water demand, which has significant implications for resource management.
The aim of the project is to further understand and characterise the development of weathered chalk (and subsequent various stages of weathering) in the chalk unsaturated zone (CUZ). By evaluating the porosity and permeability with respect to changes in flow regime by chalk weathering and establishing the geomechanical changes of the chalk in response to weathering, it is aimed that further critical understanding of the development of weathered chalk will be achieved. To do this, both field and lab work is required, which will be presented here.