Tunnelling in the urban environment is booming worldwide. In the UK alone the underground works for Crossrail are almost complete, major underground station upgrades are under way, while several other major infrastructure tunnelling projects are in preparation (e.g. Tideway, HS2).
Understanding and accurately predicting the ground and structural response to tunnelling and the associated risks are vital in such projects. This is fundamental to safeguarding the urban fabric, such as existing infrastructure for transport and services and historic and sensitive structures. The entire scenario is a complex ground-structure boundary value problem with many engineering challenges both practically and academically.
This symposium will provide a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the design and construction of tunnelling works. The event will feature key note speakers and structured discussion sessions, and include opportunities to network with fellow attendees.
Download the programme: Geotechnique SiP 2017_Tunnelling in the Unban Environment
Or visit the ICE website for full details and to register.